




教務處敬啟 97.12.05


Dear the faculty and students:

      Although Central Personnel Administration has announced in public there will be a flexible holiday that can be decided to have by universities or colleges by themselves on January 2nd, 2009, our school carefully considers that January 2nd will be three days before the final exam, avoids the influence on curriculum schedules, students’ preparation for the final exam and some originally scheduled activities on campus, and then finally makes a decision in the meeting that the faculty still need to work and the students still need to attend classes on January 2nd, 2009. If students have already arranged schedules and are unable to attend classes that day, they can ask for leave according to the regular procedure of the school. We sincerely beg your understanding if there is any inconvenience for you.

                                                                                     Office of Academic Affairs
          December 5th, 2008

這樣也好啦~反正星期五只有兩節課 XD


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